
Our programs currently receive aid from USAID/Winrock. However, much more is needed for these children to be properly educated, and to receive adequate nutrition and healthcare.

Project Growth and Rebirth is still in need of donations for food, medical assistance, clothes, art supplies and toys. Please contact us if you have questions, would like to donate, or contribute in any way.

Angola Donations

Contact Us

Sister Domingas Loureiro (Portuguese Only)
Office Tel: +244 222 40 80 55
Office Cel (1): +244 912 20 12 88
Office Cel (2): +244 923 52 53 10

Hilde Gjervik,

Tamara Perez,

U.S.A. Donations (Tax-Exempt)

Ana Carder
Carder & Associates
2237 Edinburg Avenue
Cardiff-by-the-Sea, CA 92007